
导读 你们好,我是九旅网的小编小九,英语被动语态专项训练,英语被动语态很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、被动语态八注意1.我们知...


1、被动语态八注意 1.我们知道,主动语态变为被动语态时,通常将主动语态中的宾语变为被动语态的主语;主动语态的主语变为由介词by引导的宾语;谓语动词变为被动语态“be +过去分词”形式,例如: Everyone likes the interesting film. (主动语态) → The interesting film is liked by everyone. (被动语态) They used knives to cut things. (主动语态) → Knives are used to cut things. (被动语态) 但是,并非所有由“be +过去分词”构成的形式就是被动语态。


3、试比较: My brother is very interested in English. 我哥哥对英语非常感兴趣。

4、(状态) My brother was interested by what I told him. 我告诉他的话让我哥哥非常感兴趣。

5、(动态) 2.在被动语态中谓语动词一定是及物动词,也就是说必须跟宾语的动词。

6、如: We can make metals into different shapes. (主动语态) → Metals can be made into different shapes. (被动语态) 在主动语态中make是及物动词,其动作的承受者即宾语是metals。

7、 但是,并非所有的及物动词都有被动语态。

8、比如,表示静态的动词(have、belong to)、宾语是反身代词或相互代词等。

9、例如: He has a nice house. 他有一所漂亮的房子。

10、 We must help each other. 我们应该互相帮助。

11、 3.主动语态中的主语在变为被动语态时通常变为由介词by的引出的宾语。

12、如: They have already cut down the trees. → The trees have already been cut down by them. 那些树木已经被他们砍光。

13、 如果谓语动词是know,在变为被动语态时,原来的主语变为由to引出的宾语。

14、如: May people know him very well. → He is well known to many people. 很多人都非常了解他。

15、 注意:我们之所以用被动语态是因为我们不清楚动作的执行者、或没有必要指出动词的执行者等。


17、如: People may lose their lives and homes or they may be injured badly in a fire. 在大火中人们可能失去性命和家园,要不就是严重烧伤。

18、 It is used for protecting the fireman from smoke. 它用来保护消防人员以避免吸进烟雾。

19、 4.在主动语态变为被动语态时,时态一般应保持一致。

20、如: We will build more factories in my hometown. → More factories will be built in my hometown. 我们家乡将要建起更多的工厂。

21、 为此,我们必须记住以下某些时态的被动结构: do(es)→ is/am/are done did → was/were done have/has done → have/has been done will do → will be done be doing → be being done 5.某些动词可以跟双宾语如give、pass、bring、write;buy、make等,在变为被动语态时如果直接宾语变为被动语态中的主语,则间接宾语通常由介词to、for引出。

22、例如: My sister gave me a nice watch for my birthday. → A nice watch was given to me by my sister for my birthday. 我过生日时收到了姐姐的一块手表。

23、 They have bought us many books. → Many books have been bought for us by them. 很多书都是由他们给我们买的。

24、 6.某些动词make、hear、see、watch等在主动语态中,其宾语补足语要求用不带to的不定式。


26、如: He made us clean the classroom after school. → We were made to clean the classroom after school. 我们被迫在放学后打扫教室。

27、 I saw him come into the room. → He was seen to come into the room. 人们看见他进了屋子。

28、 7.在主动语态中如果谓语动词是含有介词或副词的短语动词,变为被动语态时不能丢掉该介词或副词。

29、如: They must take good care of the children. → The children must be taken good care of. 孩子们必须小心照看。

30、 8.英语中某些动词如sell、lock、draw、start等在否定句、进行时或用在某些形容词、副词前可以表示被动意义。

31、如: This kind of books sells well. 这种书畅销。

32、 The door won’t lock. 门锁锁不上。
