
Two hunters were out in the woods when one of them collapsed. His friend quickly called for an ambulance and then dialed another number. "My friend is going to die, we need help fast!" he cried. The responder on the other end calmly asked, "Is there a heartbeat?" "Yes!" shouted the hunter. "Great," replied the responder, "that means you're still hunting!"

两个猎人正在森林里,其中一个突然倒下了。他的朋友急忙叫了救护车,然后又拨通了一个号码。"我朋友快不行了,我们需要快点得到帮助!"他哭喊道。电话那头的人冷静地问道:"还有呼吸吗?" "有!" 猎人喊道。"太好了," 接线员回答说,"那说明你还在打猎呢!"